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Global Bay Areas Forum | Zhang Jianzhong: The GBA forms a pattern of regional development 发布日期:2024-10-05 17:17    点击次数:163

(原标题:Global Bay Areas Forum | Zhang Jianzhong: The GBA forms a pattern of regional development)

南边财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 澳门报说念

On September 27, the 3rd China (Macao) High-quality Consumption Exhibition & Hengqin Global Bay Areas Forum with Cultural and Tourism Theme Forum was held in Macao, with the theme of "Cultural and Tourism Integration and New Practice of High-quality Development".

Zhang Jianzhong, the Chairman of China Travel Service (Macao) Ltd. mentioned in his speech that remarkable achievements have been made in the development of the Greater Bay Area, and a pattern of interconnected and complementary regional development has gradually taken shape, which has played an important role in consolidating and enhancing Macao's unique advantages and status.
